Friday, July 04, 2008

Happy 4th and Thank You Andrea!!

I sent the sheep out to retrieve the mail last week one day and not too long after, I looked out and chaos had broken out! They were arguing about who would open a package that had arrived--and they were very determined to keep it for themselves, believe me!
I went out and restored order but had to promise they would have input on what was created with this GORGEOUS yarn! Our friend Andrea spun this two ply yarn, hand dyed it with NATURAL dyes (many from her own garden) and sent it to us as a surprise--and it worked!! It is soft, luxurious yarn that is full of good karma--thank you SO much Andrea and watch for pictures of what it turns into soon--I cannot wait to get this yarn on the knitting needles! Wheeeee!
Hope you all have a great weekend planned? I have been spinning quite a bit and of course washing/dyeing wool like a fiend so the sheep can have a good update on Sunday. Be sure to stop back in and look forward to hearing from you all when you have time--Happy 4th from the sparkling sheep! Have to make a 'sweep' and be sure those sneaky sheep have nothing firecracker like to contribute to tonight's displays--scary thought huh??? :0)

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