Sunday, April 08, 2007

Where oh where has my lambie done gone???

Hi all! I am home, well fed and happy to have spent the day with my family! Mom looks WONDERFUL as always and it was great to chat with Dad and my sisters and family.... SO, now I am back to work--did not know if I ever shared a picture of our little cottage farm house? It is the sweetest house, built in the mid 1800's and was much much smaller when it was first built! There have been add ons as the families grew and it stayed mainly in one family since 1955. Ida had a very difficult time moving to town but is now happy there in her new/old bungalow--all remodelled by her wonderful kids! She is a peach! I am working on researching (in my free time-ha!) the history of this place and it is going slow, but have some fun info I will write up on a later visit with you all....

My little Sunshine lamb has moved to the barn this evening, it is just too warm in the house, not to mention boring for him, now that he is a whopping month old! SO, our old girl Kelly (who you can read about on our site) has been a little down in the dumps since shearing on Tuesday--we moved her 'babies' (bottle lambs from last year) on to the next pasture beside hers and she misses her Brenna. They were just being too rough and tumble for poor Kelly so it was time, and then time to move Sunny out to keep her company and happy. She really fades before our eyes if she doesn't have a lamb to watch over so we are hoping she will perk up and be happy again. She is VERY old and I am just too sad to see HER sad! SO, I am in here fussing, sneaking out to the barn and missing my lambie for sure. He is ready to be a lamb and my friend Kathi always tells me, every time I cry missing them (really I do cry!) that I have 'done my job well' when they do head out to be sheep and are healthy and happy. Wah!

Tomorrow is supposed to not be windy AND warmer so planning a big wool sorting day before the rains/ice come back Tues/Wed--so watch for new updates! More yarn also--and the yarn raffle for April. Hope you are all well, and got to spend time with your families--hug everyone you love dearly!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awwww... Mr. Lambiekins is all grown up and joining the big boys!! I am sure you will miss him but he probably comes running every time you open the front door!!
Happy Wednesday.