Hello all! Some regular old barn cleaning went on yesterday that got me thinking.... Follow me here.... (not often I can post a blog about poopy humor!!!) yey! OH, and mirror mirror on the wall, who is cleanest of them all???
CLEAN Ranking? (must say, top of the dirty list) Definitely not too worried about keeping their house clean-leave that to the people....
Clean Rating? Well, let's say a step above the sheep-they pick one spot, INSIDE-even though there are acres OUTSIDE? Again, we have people for that....
Clean Rating? Right up on top- second from best! They pick an OUTSIDE spot and that is IT. Hooray for fertilizing and recycling- and llamas/alpacas!
Clean Rating? The blue ribbon of clean goes to my little pot belly piglet boys. The do not allow anyone (humans included) into their house. They do not make messes in their house, AND are the only animals on the place that mow their own lawn better than we mow ours, AND (drum rolllllll) clean their own house! Who knew pigs were so clean huh? ;0) Now that you know more than you need to about poop, thanks for stopping by! Wonder what we will think of next for blogging? (don't worry it will be
woolie happy related!) Fruit Loops for everyone!
PS-someone suggested we up the Fruit Loop treats- would that make for more pleasant aromas? bwaaaahahahaha!
Pigs are really clean? I've been trying to tell my husband this. They have a ban on pigs in town...though am super tempted to get a sweet pot belly! We-oooo, wee-oo!
I'd love to see some overview shots of what your spread is like. That would be cool ;)
yes, they are the cleanest of clean! I have always been tempted to have a pot belly piglet in the house- they litter train better than cats, love to be outside during the day- and back in to watch TV before bed! Now you know WAY too much about me! ha!
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