Tuesday, November 08, 2011

The coats are on the coats are on!!!

Sunday we got the last of the sheep all stylin' their new coats! This is Jolly, he was not sure about things at first but now he is pretty proud of his winter look! It was quite a morning with the sheep Sunday, they love to play 'tag' and we get tired faster than they do. Jim and Ross took 'one for the team' too. (they are fine though). Jim was going to catch one of our big Romney sheep and the sheep decided to do the zig and zag. He managed to almost get past Jim, who would not let go so got dragged along a little! Eek! Jim was pretty determined so he ended up hanging on and a coat was added to that silly sheep!
Ross (son) had quite a fancy event- he was working on catching a very small Romney (Violet). She must have caught my 6'4" Ross just right because he went air born and even did a few flips before he hit the ground? Very acrobatic! We all had a good giggle and decided we need video cameras. One to catch us all and a sheep cam- that must have looked pretty funny to them. I think I heard them laughing- stinkers!

This is my Piper sheep- doesn't he have the cutest face ever? He loves me best, always has and loves a good smooch and hug! Mind you the sheep are not agressive in any way. When they play 'tag', they are just determined not to be caught. We only have this issue with our sheep who are not as tame as the rest of them.

This would be one of our Shetland sheep Claire. She and her Shetland buddy Bram would NOT come in even for grain Sunday? Whahaat? We'll be fixing that situation when the hay is brought over tomorrow. The sheep are very single minded when it comes to food. That allows us to lurk and sneak in on them- that will let us get their coats on them- again. I see Spirit managed to ditch his too? Never a dull moment!
Hope your week is going well and thank you for stopping by- be sure to sign up for the new Coats for Sheep newsletter at the top of this page ok?
Chow for now peeps!

1 comment:

Knit 1 LA said...

Poor Ross & Jim! Worth the effort, those coats sure look good!