Sunday, August 02, 2009

Where are youuuuuu, oh Princess of Poooop??

Yes, we have been scooping poop- and doing some major reclaiming of our yard this past week- hubby was on vacation- bet he will be glad to get back to work! bwaaahahaha! Princess is still looking for her tiara and any time I broach the subject, the sheep just fall down laughing? That's gratitude for ya'! In the mean time, have updates on the website and etsy so be sure to take a browse ok? ;0)
Top photo: Sabella's Jacob wool (unwashed)
Second photo: Sevila's washed Jacob wool
(Both that rare Lilac color!)

Pumkin patch 'set''- wool and suri alpaca dyed in the same dyepot!

Ebony's Romney wool (Kendra's happy sheep)

Princess of Poop, over and out for now!!

1 comment:

Martha said...

Those are some nice fleece you have there!! Is any of Ebony's fleece available for sale? I tried the link to your store, but it didn;t work.