Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Sheep on the lam! (sorry!) ;0)

This is a picture of our Great Pyrenees Bobbi (her brother Andrew's hiney too). This is the culprit of the start of my day- which went as follows:
Here is ANOTHER funny you will wish you had seen. I set the alarm for 730 this morning and was up with out the alarm. In the bathroom getting dressed and heard the sheep having fits outside. No dogs barking- not good. Got out the door in time to see 40 of my sheep hinders heading up the big hill we live at the bottom of, and some in the hayfield, some kept right on going. Ross got a rude wake up to be sure- and I went running out, in my jammies (good thing flannel!) and my barn jacket, and slip on mule tennies (worst part). It is a good thing my neighbors driving by are happy to see a good ruckus, they did not hit any of them with the cars. Phew. AND it must have been a film moment too- my sheep are 'trained' to love me- well, food. I went out with the first container I came to on my fly out the door- it was a little two quart stainless steel scooper thing that we use to measure out the piglet food. I called 'sheep sheep' held that little thing up in the air and made a dash for their pasture (where I found a gate knocked over (probably by the great pyrs). I did not make it even close before they were all around me and I could not even walk any further. They followed, make that carried, me into the pasture, every last one of them. THAT is why I don't panic if they can see me--only need a few! tee hee hee! They are SO predictable! Everyone came home, and we fixed the gate while I slipped around in the mud in my tennies and jammies. What a sight huh? Guess ROss better get out there and feed or they are going on the lam (sorry) again with their little hobo sticks/bandanas huh? hahahahahaha! (and a BIG thank you to Bobbi-the happy proud of herself dog who knocked the gate over..... )
Don't forget to visit us for a yarn update (tomorrow) and about HollyEQQ's sale! Toodles!


Vykky said...

What a great story! Sandy, I love how you use words to paint mind pictures! I could imagine myself up on the hill watching the joyful mayhem. Gotta love our 4-legged kids!

Homestead Wool & Gift Farm said...

Thank you for the kind words Vykky! I am a former free lance reporter-no time for that job now but loved it. SO, take my writing out on the website and blog- it is fun, and it is SO fun here, it needs to be shared! :0)