Monday, December 01, 2008

Cool Beans Rachel Article!

Our Rudy was nosing about the Internet (baaahahahaha) and found a very nice article about our friend Rachel and her yarn spinning! Way to go Rachel! You can find the blog/article/interview here. It is a great read and Rachel is a very talented, creative fiber artist!

Rescue llama update: Just heard last night from Jenny that of the 19 llamas she has from the rescue, 3 will retire with her and have a forever home (they are very old) and the rest have homes! Yey Jen! She is amazing and now says she is ready to go again. Wow. She just has two more to deliver and wa-la, happy llamas for the holidays! Jenny was their true gift, and homes for the holidays--lucky, happy llamas! Keeping good thoughts for everyone and have a happy week! Rudy

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