Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Update and vote vote vote!!!

Howdy do! This alpaca at Jenny's happy farm wants you to be sure to get out and vote today! This is such an historic election and every vote counts--EVERY SINGLE ONE!!

Next we have a fun update today so be sure to check it out! The sheep and everyone have already been out to vote (hee hee) and have been back to update the site--now they are off and running the far reaches of the pasture so I don't 'make' them work any more today! Nice sunny day with a nice breeze to keep them comfy. Yey!

Rescue update: The llamas are resting and EATING at Jenny's and our little sheep is doing the same. We are working on the areas on her that have items grown in, hoping to be able to remove them with the help of a nice sheepy vicodan! Hope by tomorrow. Please keep good thoughts for the rescue critters and appreciate all your good words! Cheers and thank you!

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