Thursday, July 15, 2010

Ode to a sheep.....

This is a picture of our sweet Steeler sheep. We never knew exactly how old he was when he arrived all the way from Pennsylvania to join our flock. He arrived with 11 of his friends and as you can see below, he was very 'surprised' to be here!
This is his 'baby' picture. He was always the leader of his little family, they were not victims of anything but 'benign neglect', having been left to roam 150 acres when the owners' 20 sheep flock quickly (in 3 years) blossomed into 150+. The owners meant well but were unable to keep up with neutering and proper care of the flock. A neighboring rescue worked out a deal to trade for a portion of the owners' pasture land in exchange for placing the sheep and getting their medical care caught back up. They had not been handled much so were a little rowdy when they arrived.
After plying them with fruit loops we were eventually able to hug them up, all but two older boys that are much more shy- but they DO like their treats. As long as they are all happy, life is good. Steeler LOVED hugs and smooches on his wrinkly silky nose. He was a strong personality and took good care of his family, the flock- and me.

I hope I can learn to take life in stride- Steller did and when I put him to sleep this morning, he went as peacefully as he arrived at our farm. Calmly, stoic and wrapped in our arms. He lived a good life, I will cry- but the tears are good- if I ever get used to this part of our business, I need to get out.
Sleep well my sheep, I will miss you forever....


Linda said...

Oh Sandy....I am so sorry! What a beautiful memorial you posted for this very handsome boy! Some day, you will be reunited with one HECK of a large group of animals. You have done well by Steeler and so many others. ..I'm sorry!!!! ..time is the only thing that will make it better..I'm thinkig of you!

Taos Sunflower said...

Your posting is beautiful, Sandy. Sorry you've had to say goodbye again. XOXO

cathieG said...

Just read the blog about sorry Sandy. Wow that would be so hard to do all the time but at least they go happy.

Kati said...

Ah, darn it. I am so sorry that we ever have to say goodbye to our guys. He looked like a sweet boy and I am sure he is haveing a great time now. ( Sheeps romping in clouds...that is a pretty picture!)