Wednesday, May 26, 2010

It is summer time in the sheepy-hood!

You've probably all seen this picture already, but it bears repeating. This is one of our Great Pyrenees dogs Bobbi- who watches over our flock. I think we did miss out on Spring here in WI? Last week it was in the 60's and nice sleeping weather at night- around 45-50. THIS week, we have jumped right into August?? Wow. The critters really had no time to adjust and be ready for this temp climb so we are spending lots of time outside being sure they have plenty of fresh water to drink- or splash around in. Works for all of us right?

Bobbi likes to soak her toes in the sheep's water tank- which they heartily disapprove of- if only they 'got' it though. Sheep do not like water.... The llamas and alpacas all have their wading pools set up- and the pot belly piglets have their yearly swimming pool dug up too.

I really should not worry about them so much since they really know what to do to stay comfy- right? But then again, if I didn't worry all the time what WOULD I do? bwaaahahahaha!

I am sorting fleeces every day so be sure to watch for email from the sheep. We are cutting/baling our first crop of hay this week too. The sheep have some new ideas that will be 'announced' after June 1 so stay tuned- lots of fun for everyone!! Smooches from the sheeps!

1 comment:

sphynx knitter said...

This picture is adorable! I will agree with the missing out on spring--but thats what you get for living in WI I guess (=