Saturday, November 14, 2009

Updates and froo froo dogs.....

First, we're going to talk froo froo dogs! This is my wool skirting buddy Thor, aka Thorbaby. He is a 3.5 pound poodle that we adopted 15 (yes 15) years ago as a baby- who was seizuring at the ripe old age of 4 weeks of age. This made him 'unadoptable' for the rescue group I was working with- we could not in good conscience send out a dog that needed lifelong meds, and could maybe live a year- according to our group's vet? Guess he proved US wrong huh? ;0)
I know lots of people who think these little dogs are frail, fragile and bite ankles. Thor, not so much. I swear that little peanut has lived over 9 cat lives.... I frankly do not know HOW he has survived the bumps and scrapes he gets himself into. Three years ago, he fell and broke his jaw AND nose. The vet said, let's give him the weekend, we'll fix him up. He survived the surgery and never looked back, even though he had no teeth after the surgery, and a figure eight wire holding his little jaw bones together...
Friday, Thor seizured and fell off his recliner- on his nose. He broke a chip off his little nose bone, and I thought he was done for this time. Well, I was/am wrong again. Today, thanks to some good dog meds, and a tough little dog, Thor is back on his feet (?), drinking, eating and generally on the mend. I am amazed. He has a bruised eye that will most likely mean he only sees shadows from now on so we will be outfitting a special playpen for him- to keep him safe when we are outside, etc. I am sure he will hate it, but stinks to be loved right?
ALSO, animals amaze me all the time- I was sacked out in my office sleeping when all this happened, Noodle (our deaf border collie) jumped the baby gate in the doorway and landed on me like a freaking line backer. She does that every once in a while so I gave her a hug, turned over and tried to go back to sleep. She was not having it- she pestered me, pulled my blanket off and herded me back through the doorway. There I found Thor, standing in a scary amount of blood, with my schnauzer Buddy standing guard over him. Buddy was not going to let even ME pick Thor up- took some convincing. Now the two dogs come check on Thor after every time they go outside, and they sleep as close to him as they can to make sure he is safe. Amazing..... I am so lucky to be part of their 'pack'....
NOW, off to updates! Above is our Fletcher's Merino cross wool.....

This is Niles, our gorgeous Wensleydale sheep who donated some very pretty locks for the sheep to list on Etsy- against my own oink snort tendency to stash his entire fleece.....

Next is Smooth Sailing Coopworth locks, available on the website......

And please, keep good thoughts for our Magpie goatie, who I lost Wednesday night. We had her for a long long time, never really knew how old she was when she arrived here from a very awful situation- and she was such a sweet sweet girl in spite of it all. I hope she is up with the rest of my critter family, watching over lambies, chasing the naughty goats and loving life as much as she did here. I will miss you forever my Magpie.....

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