Thursday, November 15, 2007

Update and wonderful friends!

I got a wonderful box of goodies from my spinning buddy James--of Virginia! You may have seen our long distance spinning on the website listed as Franken Yarn... bwaaahahahaha!

The box arrived with this fancy schmancy wrapped batt selection that James created in his studio--the second picture shows the wonderful, fluffy batts--and they are gorgeous! I cannot wait to spin them--and there was more in the box, more pictures of that later--thank you James, you are the best!!

Today's update is complete so be sure to visit the website here or pictures here. Lots of fun washed and dyed fiber with more on the way for Sunday's update--including new roving! Happy fiber and almost Friday!!


Anonymous said...

You lucky dog!

Anonymous said...

OH my GoD! Did you buy a new camera and not tell me? Your pictures of your handpainted buttons are fabulous!
Woohoo. If it isn't a new camera then you should take pictures in that position more often. They turned out great. I like that on the one you left it large so you can really see the sheepie jumping over the moon!
Looks fabulous. I sure wish I could paint!
Hope you are good.